Grooming is one of the ways to talk to domesticated animals, Maria and I started doing it with the donkeys. Equines (dogs too) loved to be groomed, they love the attention the feel of it, the feeling that passes between people and animals. Merlin loves to stand in the sun and be groomed, something I look in wonder at. He is a huge and beautiful horse, no one could groom him if he did not love it, and I see the feeling that passes between him and the people caring for him at Blue Star Equiculture. These horses, some of them retired carriage horses, love attention and they love people.
The more you learn about horses, the more you learn that they love and need attention, it would be cruel to place them in an environment – like many rescue farms – where there is little or none. I love what Maria is writing about her own journey with the horses, it is beautiful and inspiring to me. I told her she was a true writer, and she yelled at me that she was an artist, not a writer. I reminded her that she is always telling me that I am an artist, while I insist I am not. So there.
I loved what she wrote last night, “The Horses Came To Me.” I saw it.