We visited our friends Paul and Pamela Rickenbach at Blue Star Equiculture today, I will be putting up some photos over the next couple of days. Life is very good for the working horses at Blue Star. Silver, a retired carriage horse from Philadelphia, got a Spring cleaning today from Zoe and Ruth. Each one taking a different end, the horses are huge. The horses at Blue Star are groomed almost daily, the seem to love it, Silver had a lot to say to Ruth.
He talks to her all the time. She talks back.
I thought this photo captured the spirit of the place, the horses are much loved there, and so are the people who care for them. Every time I visit the farm, I come away with the same idea. This is what any movement to save animals and care for them ought to be – a place where animals are kept in our world, not driven away, a place where people are affirmed in their love for animals, not harassed or denigrated.
Silver will spend the rest of his life at Blue Star, in the hands of very devoted caretakers like Zoe and Ruth, who flock to Blue Star in substantial numbers. Blue Star embodies St. Francis’s dream of the world as a Shelter Of Compassion and Mercy.
It is a wonderful place for animals, a nourishing place for humans, a place that understands there is nothing more natural on all of the earth than animals and people living and working together. You can check it out here.