I think I saw my angel this morning in the town cemetery. She was sitting on a tall pedestal, she was reflecting on the nature of life. She was waiting for me, I think, she asked me how things were going. Well, I said, I have my troubles, like everybody else, but life is full of rewards for me. As you know, I nearly left the world last summer, and the experience made it clear to me that I am alive for a reason, I have a purpose, there is more life for me to live.
Well, she said, you are growing up, learning something. You are better at being older than being younger, for sure, you have been such a pain in the ass sometimes. But you are willing to change, and life has beaten you senseless to the point that you sometimes listen. Your iron will has kept you alive, and nearly killed you. Keep going, you are taking care of yourself, and I like your blog, especially the photos of the animals. I love the Red-Liam thing and can’t wait to see Maria riding the pony. I like the new publisher, they will take good care of you, glad you got away from the old one, they were sucking the soul right out of you. Better to change than bitch about life.
You are right, Maria needs a dog in her studio. Get on it. When you need me, I’ll be here.