A historic evening, really. Paul Moshimer, co-director of Blue-Star Equiculture stopped at the farm to stay over. In the morning, we are going to meet Ken Norman in Manchester, Vt. Paul is here to pick up a blind horse named Sarge and bring him back to Blue-Star, in Palmer, Mass.
Scott Carrino, who has never met Paul or other member, the poet Doug Anderson, invited us to his sugar house, the sap is flowing big-time. So we had our first meeting of the Fabulous Old Men’s Club (Red was there, also.) It was a great night, we sipped sugar water, stoked the fire, skimmed the foam, talked about our lives and dreams and fears. We were comfortable with one another right away in the way that men sometimes struggle with.
The Fabulous Old Men has only one rule, which we agreed on tonight. Any subject is open, any question can be asked, even if it can be answered. I am very fond of these men, but I also know the sorry history of men who try and get together with other men. If most often does not work, or last long. I have hopes for this group, it doesn’t matter how often we meet, I feel that it is going to be worthwhile. We talked honestly and openly to one another, it felt as if I had known these men for many years.