Welcome to Spring. I wish you warmth, joy and hope. I confess there were times I wondered if winter would ever be over, and it hasn’t quite loosened it’s grip yet. Lots of snow south of us and cold and windy weather here. Still, it is not – 22 outside and the sun is strong and some buds are appearing on the bushes. The snow mounds are now slightly shorter than me. It is coming, the worst of this relentless winter is over and we made it. Our frost-free is still frozen, we have a bit of frozen pipe damage to clean up, some tiles have come off the slate roof from the sliding snow.
And the farm is a bog, mud and water everywhere. But we have just enough firewood to get us through another month and enough hay to wait for the grass. Life is good. Spring is good for writers and photographers and artists. Lots of light, soft but strong sun, inspiring walks in the woods, the sense of life emerging in all of it’s varied glory. We expect to have a new dog soon, we are talking about getting a riding pony, even a baby goat (I hope we talk ourselves out of that.)
I welcome you to Spring, I see my life as an eternal Spring, a continuous awakening, a never-ending rebirth. Spring has meaning for me, and I wish you all that you want your life to be in these days of renewal.