Whatever it is I am writing, or saying, or thinking,
I need to love whatever is around me,
a flower, a beam of light, a dog, a donkey,
most of all, a human heart who makes me
feel good to be alive,
not bad,
who makes me feel worthwhile,
not worthless,
who supports what I need to do,
not what they need me to do.
I need to hear a donkey bray,
I need to see a sheep grazing
in the field, a dog sniffing the ground,
soaking up the stories of the world,
I need to hear a hen clucking in the roost,
I need
a skyful of clouds,
the light of the sun,
the sound of a stream,
mist on a hill,
a photograph to take,
a friend to trust,
a meal to cook,
a book to read,
a poem to write.
They must be there.
For my heart to beat.
For me to write.
For ideas to flow,
I love what surrounds me.