Exciting news on several fronts at Bedlam Farm. Our breeder Linda Reece reports that Polly, her English Retriever, is in heat and will be bred in the next couple of weeks. We are very interested in getting one of Linda’s dogs, it is a great line. Things are moving forward, if all goes well, we might have a puppy in the summer. Lots of things have to happen first, but we were happy to hear the news. I had a dream last nigh that there was also a small rescue dog living on the farm, I’m not sure what that was about. It looked like a Boston Terrier.
On the book front, my book about Simon, “Saving Simon: How A Rescue Donkey Taught Me The Meaning Of Compassion,” is heating up. The book, left for dead by my publisher after I switched to another house last year, wants to live. It is in it’s third printing, and my home-grown book tour is resuming. Last week, 150 people came to seem me in Bucks County, Pa.
This week, Maria, Red and I heading to Connecticut – Middletown and Cheshire – to talk about the book and also about the future of animals in our world. I’ll be at the Russell Library in Middletown at 2 p.m. Saturday, and at the Cheshire Library in Cheshire at 2 p.m. Sunday. I am told the Cheshire event is full – 95 spots reserved already, there is still room at the Russell Library in Middletown, reservations are not required there. We’ll leave Saturday and return Monday morning.
I have to say, I am loving this book tour. The crowds have been large, attentive, the conversations have been wonderful. So have the reviews. It is almost always good to take responsibility for oneself, I think because I am closer to the book than my publisher, and to Simon, the tour has special meaning. We talk about lots of things, donkeys are just one thing.
A reminder that if anyone wishes to purchase a copy of the book and get it signed and personalized by me, you can do this through Battenkill Books, my local bookstore, and a great independent bookstore.You can call the store at 518 677-2515 or buy the book online. They take Paypal and ship anywhere in the world. By shopping at Battenkill, you will support my work and Simon’s story and also help a wonderful independent bookstore.
Tomorrow, Connecticut, then Westhampton, Mass. at the end of the month, and then on to Iowa in May.