9 March


by Jon Katz

Sonny is a pony, less than a year old, he was rescued by Blue-Star Equiculture at the beginning of the winter, I am sorry to say that the details of his treatment and condition are too graphic and disturbing for me to describe to you. Soon after he arrived, he fell on ice and was injured. The horse vets said he would be fine, but he needed to be confined for six months in his stall until his injuries fully healed.

Sonny seems happy in his stall, there is a steady stream of staff,  visitors and volunteers brushing him and giving him treats, he tried to put his nose in my camera bag, he has a good view of the valley beyond the farmhouse. He tried to nip Maria in the butt, he wanted to eat her dress. He looks unbelievably better than when we last saw him, he had just come to the farm, he was a skeleton.

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