![The Greatest Installation](https://www.bedlamfarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/The-City-As-Exhibit-944x630.jpg)
At MOMA in Manhattan, I was reminded that the greatest installation in New York, the most compelling and revered exhibit, is the city itself, it and it’s people overpowers any single work of art. On the fourth floor of MOMA, the museum has made a gallery out of the city itself, opening up a glass wall to it’s grandeur and scope.
The people watching made their own tableau, three friends to the left talking to one another, an elderly man, an artist I think, lost in though, a couple clearly in love, touched by the city’s beauty, and a young woman, a student, I think, mesmerized by the city and it’s enchanting appeal. I need to be where I am, I need to be in nature, but I drink New York like a rare and precious wine, I soak it up and breathe it deeply. New York City is the greatest installation.