For the first time in his work life, Red (and the rest of us) are stymied, hemmed in, shut down by more snow than I have ever seen in my young life. No sheep herding, he cannot see the sheep, move the sheep, do one of his believed outruns. He can’t do much of anything but sit and look nervous and frustrated.
We got another foot or so last night. We spent the usual couple of hours digging paths, raking roofs, cleaning off cars. We are planning to flee to an inn for a one-night stand to keep warm and sleep and get away from our upstate Siberian tundra. I’m not sure we can get the car dug out and into the road or if the roads are passable to where we are heading. This winter is humbling, it will probably take until summer for all of this to melt.
I did feel bad for Red. We shoveled a path to the feeder and got some hay to the animals. Tyler is coming later to help dig more snow out. I think Red may have a nervous breakdown, he knows where the sheep are, he just cannot get to them. I think Liam is jeering at him through the fence and the snow mounds.
Tomorrow, more arctic cold.