I got a lovely card together delivered to our P.O. Box (Bedlam Farm, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816) from Mother Katherine, a nun – a Mother Superior, I imagine – living and working in upstate New York. At first, I thought it might be a photo of me, but it wasn’t, it was a note card photo of a shepherd with his flock, and with this from the Bible:
“He will feed His flock like a shepherd,
He will gather the lambs in His arms,
He will carry them in His bosom,
and gently lead those that are with young.”
— Isaiah 40:11.
Mother Katherine wrote that she had read some of my books and recently started following the blog. “I agree with a lot your viewpoints,” she said, and “here is something toward continuing.” How sweet a thing, mother Katherine enclosed two $ 5 bills, she wanted to contribute to the blog. I appreciate the subscriptions, they make a difference, it is important to be paid for one’s work.
I also appreciate the $5 and $10 and $20 bills people sometimes sent me when they can’t afford to pay for subscriptions. And of course, people without any money can read the blog for free. I’m not dropping that, God commands us to give the poor reasons for hope and joy, I take that commandment seriously, even if our political leaders do not.
I have this idea of a Mother Superior in a convent far from me reading my blog and appreciating it. How great a compliment for any writer, for any person. I must be getting there. It took some time, work and trouble for Mother Katherine to send me this precious gift, it is humbling.
Thank you so much, Mother Katherine, for the card, for the words, for the poem and the contribution. I appreciate it so much, and will work to live up to it.