When Minnie lost her leg to some animal out near the barn, her life changed. The accident began the process of change, a feral outdoor kitten who had lived all of her life in a barn with chickens, Minnie came inside, where she spends cold and rainy and snowy days.
She is still a barn cat in many ways, she loves to go outside and hunt for mice, but she also loves to lie on the couch with Maria and sit by the fire on cold mornings. On wintry days, she likes to go in the basement where it is dark and shadowy, the barn cat part of her wants to be alone out of sight. This morning, she lay down next to Frieda – something she would never have done in her old life – and soaked up the heat of the fire. Minnie is a curious cat, smart and loving and quite odd. Recently, I think she has developed a more regal side, she was happy to pose for me this morning.