It is easy to forget that the animals I write about are loved and meaningful far beyond me or the confines of my farm. I am always surprised by it, even as I am responsible for it. My friend Scott Carrino told me today that he misses Simon, he felt a powerful connection to him and often goes on You Tube to hear Simon’s bray. I was surprised by this, but should not have been. Scott often stopped by the farm to spend time with Simon, and commune with him.
Scott wondered if he might visit Lulu and Fanny, he said, and see if there could be a connection with them. Of course, I said, Lulu and Fanny are sweet sisters, as I call them, they are also affectionate, although perhaps a bit more low-key than Simon. When Scott closed the Round House Cafe at the end of the workday today, he came by the farm with two rolls of organic bread (Red kept the sheep away). Lulu and Fanny were interested.
I guess I didn’t quite realize the extent of people’s connections to Simon – I should have from the messages I’ve received. Scott understands that people need animals, they want them in their lives.
These two are very affectionate, they love attention and they love organic bread. Scott says he plans to visit them regularly and see if he can connect with them. I think it’s a great idea, I had these two girls long before Simon came and they are smart, loving and social creatures. They are a bit more shy than Simon, and not quiet as loud. Scott needs donkeys in his life, I hope he finds the same connection. He’s off to a very good start.