I like to call myself a warrior for light, the cold and snow and grey days have been wearing me down. I am drawn to bright things and color, light has always been the dominant characteristic of my photography, perhaps the point. I try to bring light into my life as well, a challenge in this endlessly bitter and stormy and frigid winter.
So I’m taking up a new creative challenge. I am launching the Bedlam Farm Endless Winter Color Initiative, for me, and perhaps, for you. I have many thousands of bright and uplifting photographs – flowers, landscapes, lambs, animals, dogs and donkeys. From now until the advent of better weather, and the return of color and light, i am going to publish them here, at least several times a day. You are welcome to share them, print or download them, use them as screensavers, or just look at them.
I choose photographs that bring a smile to my face, lift my spirits. I can’t think of a better use of my photographs, or of my blog – it is supposed to snow for four straight days here starting on Saturday. I hope you come her to brighten up, to remember the beauty and color and light of the world. There is beauty in the winter pasture as well, I love to photograph it, but not enough color to brighten many days.
So here is Vol. 1 of the Bedlam Farm Endless Winter Color Initiative, young Pumpkin when he was just a few weeks old. This is the point of Bedlam Farm really, to find the beauty and color and light in the world and share it beyond the borders of our small farm. Please comeĀ her and soak up some color and light and spread it any way you can or wish.