It was an extraordinary sight in our little town. Main Street was closed off in front of O’Hearn’s Pharmacy, the street was lined with tractors, trucks, police cars. The mayor was there, the police and fire chiefs, the O’Hearn Family, the staff at the pharmacy, many loyal customers, a score of townspeople braving the bitter cold. Bridget had a bottle of champagne and glasses, there were beeping tractors, a dozen demolition workers scrambling and measuring and taping windows, the pharmacy is closed all day.
It was a big deal for the town. Yesterday, the original owner of the doomed building died at his home nearby, the current owner’s whereabouts are not known. The town has been wrestling with the issue of the building for nearly 15 years, there was a sense of celebration and resolution that the leaning building was finally going to come down, and a sense of relief that Bridget’s Pharmacy would remain in business and would be okay. Bridget said that once demolition got underway, she was heading to the Round House Cafe for some coffee and muffins.
Looks like the demolition will go on all day, I’ll check back in this aternoon.