There are quiet places in Disney World, you have to look for them, but they are there, and Maria and I find ourselves drawn to them. Yesterday, we rented a small Whaler and rode around the large man-made lakes that are at the heart of Disney World, a mammoth construction project. There are several islands where the natural Florida swamp habitat has been preserved, and we drove around them.
Perhaps because we live on a farm, we are drawn to the the quiet and peace more than the teeming crowds. It is always a gift to go away, because then you get to realize who you are and where you belong. I have always enjoyed Disney World, and love it still, but my favorite place on the earth is Bedlam Farm. it is the true mystical and magical place for me, a place of love and connection and creativity and meaning.
I do not miss it this week, we needed to get away, but it is a great gift to belong so powerfully to a place. I think of Simon, Lenore, Red and the sheep and Lulu and Fanny and the foolish chickens and Maria in her studio and me in mine, writing on my blog, living in a wonderful small town where people know one another and care for each other.
It is who I am, where I belong, crisis and mystery is there, my blood, my life and my soul, the home of my refurbished heart. Today, we head back to the Animal Kingdom, I am hobbling on new blisters, we are trying Mexican food, we’ll return to Epcot to brood on Walt Disney’s mangled vision of the future, and right about it. This week, this is a good place to be, but I am so lucky to live in my favorite place in the world and to be going back in a few days. This is a great respite from life, but it is not life, and life is my fuel and sustenance.
We are relaxing, resting, having fun observing.
So much is awaiting us, so much live to life, so much loving to do, so many things to write and photos to take and animals to study.