Disney World is so crowded sometimes that the parks have special very early hours for people staying in hotels there to come and see the parks. Animal Kingdom opened at 8 a.m. for us and we spent a fascinating few hours watching bats, gorillas, giraffes, hippos, elephants, rhinoceroses and other animals.
The vast Animal Kingdom Park is many things, but one of them is a world class zoo, the habits there are gorgeous and expansive and while the animals have plenty of places to go to avoid humans staring at them, if you are patient, they will come circling around as this beautiful and quite mysterious fellow did.
There are the usual enormous crowds there but Animal Kingdom is lavishly landscaped with paths and special habits where all kinds of birds and reptiles and small mammals can be watched and seen up close. We spent a long time watching this one and we want to do it again while we are here.