We took Lenore to the vet this morning, and she got a thorough check-up there. The diagnosis was either a muscle pull or a possible disc problem, not uncommon with Labs (but not common in Lenore’s line). She was in a lot of pain this morning, but it’s lessened a bit this afternoon.
My own instincts are that it is a muscle pull, she went for a long walk with Maria in the deep woods yesterday, and we’ll know quickly if that is the problem. If it is a muscle pull, it will be much better in the morning if it isn’t we’ll bring her back to the vet for an X-ray and perhaps some medication. We decided it to treat her for that first, and then go to the next step if necessary.
The odds are that she pulled a muscle in her neck, that’s my guess, but I’m not a vet and we all agreed we would know in the morning whether it might be something else. Lenore is resting comfortably, eating like a warthog and greeting every human, dog and living thing in sight. She is getting a lot of rest today and over the next few days.
She is a sweetie, we hate to see her in distress, but hopefully, this will resolve itself quickly. Either way, we canĀ handle it.