In July, when I had my open heart surgery, the members of the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm immediately conspired to raise money to send Maria and I to Disney World. I said I couldn’t take their money, but they had purchased Disney gift cards that could not be exchanged or returned. They raised enough money – this is not a crowd with money – to pay for our hotel, airfare and meals. I was stunned, this was the most generous and thoughtful gift I have ever received.
It was a wonderful gift. I love Disney World, and we do rather desperately need a vacation. We are going in January, the trip coincides almost perfect from my successful recovery from the surgery, a process that is still underway but in a much more benign phase.
Yesterday, our Magic Bands arrived from Disney, a techno-marketing bit of genius. The bands open hotel doors, provide access to parks, pay restaurant bills and are personalized. The trip is about three weeks away and we are excited. I’m bringing a laptop, I will take photos there and do some blogging. And sleep and sleep and lie in pools and ride on Splash Mountain and take Maria to see the animals in the Animal Kingdom.
And be warm. The bands remind us that this is real, it was not a dream, it will actually happen.