I invited Lenore to come out into the pasture today, she seemed eager to come and work with Red. I learned once again that Labs and border collies have very different ideas about work, although both are working breeds. Lenore ran alongside Red as he moved the sheep into position, Lenore followed him, but then seemed confused about what to do next.
Lenore’s philosophy is very Buddhist, she loves all things and threatens nothing. She was content for awhile to sit and watch Red do his thing. First, she greeted two or three of the sheep, wagging her tail, but they wanted no part of her, at least not yet. Perhaps she was thinking of her work in the new children’s book, “Lenore Finds A Friend.”
Lenore sat down and studied the situation – Red is quite easy-going, he didn’t mind her hanging out with him at all. Red focused on the sheep, Lenore took in the sights, sniffed around and then became aware of all the stuff lying under the snow – donkey and sheep droppings. I toss her out of the pasture, but it was fun while it lasted, it was great to see the different notions of work in these two wonderful dogs.