I have to admit, it’s a different thing and a wonderful thing to take walks with a spontaneously and irresistibly creative person. She might be drawing on a posted sign one day, sending photos of a twig to her Instagram page or erupting into dance when she sees a shadow. I asked her what gave her the idea to shadow dance and she said she had seen a movie that talked about ancient cave drawings showing humans dancing with shadows, it is, she said a natural thing for humans to do. Not most of the humans I know, thought.
It does not ever occur to me to shadow dance, I’ve joined in with Maria once or twice, but I think I don’t really have the natural moves for it. She does, it seems as natural for her as walking along the road. I love seeing shadow dancing, the dogs seem to enter into the spirit of it and they dance along with her. Sometimes I can’t help myself, and I do also.