Life is strange and wonderful, just a few years ago I could not have imagined my signing table at Battenkill Books, my local independent bookstore. When a book came out, I went on a month-long national book tour, traveled all over the country, gave out interviews all day, spent most nights sweating out panic attacks. My life has changed considerably, dramatically, almost beyond my own comprehension.
My signing table is a warm symbol of my new life as a writer. Three years ago, Connie Brooks and I embarked on a new project, a partnership between a writer and a bookstore. I agreed to sign and personalize books ordered through the store, we were both shocked when the first experiment: “Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die” sold more than a thousand copies. The next year, “Second Chance Dog” came out and we sold more than 1,500. We are shooting for 2,000 this year, an ambitious goal for the Orphans Book Tour.
Orders for the book still come streaming into Battenkill. Today there were about 60 books for me to sign, we are nearing 1,000 copies sold with weeks to go before Christmas. Connie and her mother Marilyn have figured out efficient labeling and sorting systems to handle the flow, I get an e-mail in the morning asking me to come in and when I do, I have my own signing table and box of pens waiting for me.
Connie always promises to give me food, but she is too busy, I bring my own. The books are all stacked with order forms relaying the names and inscription requests. When the total is near 100, Maria comes and helps me. Less than that, I usually handle it myself. Red greets store customers and keeps me coming. This is the seat of my new book tour, my writing life, I am happy at my signing table. Local people come in and yak with me, and so do Red’s many girlfriends.
It is a sweet time, signing books, looking at the inscriptions, recognizing so many names. I like my new writing life, I am coming to see that it is good and pure, perhaps what a writer’s life used to be like. A curious thought. (You can order the book online or call the store at 518 677-2515).