Small miracles are as amazing as big ones, and today, a sweet l miracle for my book, “Saving Simon: How A Rescue Donkey Taught Me The Meaning Of Compassion,” and for my Orphans Book Tour. Random House sent me an a-mail saying the book has just gone into a third printing – 2,000 more books.
It’s a small printing, but an amazing one, given that there was no book tour or any kind of promotion planned by my publisher. They call it an “orphaned” book when it is abandoned like that – I am leaving Random House for Simon & Schuster – and I decided not to abandon my book and launch my own book tour, here on the blog and at bookstores and libraries that will have me.
Friday, I’m speaking at the Saratoga Northshire (6 p.m.) and Saturday, at Northshire in Manchester (also 6 p.m.), two great bookstores in one weekend. I’ve also been working closely with Connie Brooks at Battenkill Books. Connie has ordered a huge load of the red tote bags pictured above (Simon loves to pose) and is giving everyone who buys a copy of “Saving Simon” from her wonderful bookshop a free tote bag as well as free signed (by me) photo notecards of Simon.
People who buy the book from Battenkill will be supporting me, Simon, a wonderful independent bookstore and a story that deserves and needs to be told. The book is about Simon and me, about compassion and meaning and change. You can check out some of the early reviews here.
If you buy the book from Battenkill, I will also sign and personalize each copy (within reason, I reserve the right to edit inscriptions that make no sense to me). You can buy the book from Battenkill online or call the store at 518 677-2515.
Last week I was thinking poorly of my publisher when we had to drive 10 hours in one day back and forth from a book signing because no money was budgeted for travel or hotels for the book tour. Maria had to do most of the driving, much was at night on some dark country roads. But every time I get ticked off, I choose to get excited once again for my book, so many writers are so much less fortunate than I am, they have never had one book tour. My signings and readings for this tour have been special, they have great meaning for me.
I don’t know how far I can take a book, even one as praised as this one is turning out to be. But I will find out. I do not believe in whining or lamenting, but moving forward with as much grace and energy as I can muster.
TheseĀ readings and signings have been very special, each one was wonderful. And my blog is yet another miracle, Connie has sold nearly 1,000 books and the Christmas season is just getting start.
I am going to the Westhampton, Mass. library in the next couple of months (no date set yet) and then to Iowa and other places next Spring. I’m mulling over other offers. I am proud of my book tour, Simon was orphaned and so was his book, but Simon has an iron will to live, and so, I think, does his scribe. I will never walk away from one of my books, surely not this one. Simon deserves better.
So thanks for your support, we are not into the Christmas season, and my wish is to get Simon at least one more printing, maybe more. You can order the book through Battenkill by clicking right here. People are loving those tote bags, and you might win a potholder, notecard or signed photo as well.