You can live in New York or Chicago or most suburbs your whole life and never meet people like the Gulley’s, which is why we love where we live. Sadie has been on the farm she she was a baby, she pretty much runs the place, she hangs around the barns, the pastures and the milking barns, follows Ed and Carol around, they both are crazy about her. She is never fenced in or locked-up, she generally sleeps out with the cows at night on a pile of straw. She tried to eat the handkerchief out of my pocket and was nibbling at Maria’s dress, she came up to Ed looking for a cookie, and got some nuzzling as well.
Bejosh is a small dairy farm, the kind that is going under all across the country, Ed and Carol love the place but are tiring, they are thinking of selling part of the property and scaling back, hoping to get somewhere warm in January and February.