The “Saving Simon” book tour heads off to the Wilton, Connecticut Public Library at 3 p.m. Sunday (Red and Maria are coming) for the last stop of the “Saving Simon Orphans Book Tour” of November. We will be at both Northshire Book Stores (Saratoga and Manchester) on December 5th and 6th, and that will wrap up the tour for this year. I wish Simon could come, he would love it.
In the meantime, we have books to sell right here on the blog. Simon agreed to model the free tote bag that will be given to everyone who buys a copy of “Saving Simon” from Battenkill Books,my local bookstore. You can order online (www.battenkillbooks.com) or on the phone: 518 677-2515. Buyers will also get a free signed photo notecard of Simon and will be eligible to win other good stuff – photos, notecards, some potholders from Maria.
You can check out some of the early customer reviews here. I am gearing up the “Saving Simon” tour for Christmas, the book is a natural for animal lovers – dogs, cats, donkeys, horses.
I switched publishers after I finished writing this book, and “Saving Simon” was orphaned pretty thoroughly – no book tour, not a dollar budgeted for promotion or publicity. So it’s me, Simon and my blog. We are doing all right, already into a second printing.
Battenkill Books is my world headquarters. They take Paypal and ship anywhere in the world. Think Plaid Friday, think Christmas. Simon’s story is one of compassion and redemption. I believe it deserves to live.