There is nothing a border collie hates more than a flock of sheep divided. The sheep were having their morning hay feed when Zelda decided to branch off and go into the barn, Red moved up from his lie-down position and here is where border collies get to make decisions. Does he move the bulk of the sheep over to Zelda or does he figure out a way to get Zelda back with the flock. He and Zelda got into a stare-down, she wasn’t moving, he wasn’t yielding.
I decided to help him out, I gave a “come-bye” (go clockwise) command and he pushed Zelda out of the barn and right to the feeder. Then, satisfied, he lay down again. Working dogs get to make decisions almost every day of their lives, that’s what they get smarter and more intuitive. Few dogs in America get to make decisions any longer, they are rarely off leash outside and kept away from most people and other dogs.
I have seen Red change from day-to-day, his management of our sheep is outstanding, he is calm, firm, appropriate. He has never harmed a sheep or backed down from one.