As we approach the sixth month anniversary of my open heart surgery, a milestone. I met with my cardiologist today, I had an echo-cardiogram so he could look at my heart beating, he examined me and said I was in excellent shape, my heart was strong and stead, he shook my hand and said “get out of here, I’ll see you in six months.” We talked a bit about movies and music, he congratulated me on my work in cardiac rehab and said I was doing great.
It was a turning point. I am less exhausted than I was, walking every day, riding my bike, working out in cardiac rehab (I graduate in two weeks.) My chest does not hurt, I have figured out my medications. I believe that my life is beginning to return to normal, I am scanning the world for photos, writing up a storm, feeling my oats. My post-surgery grumpiness, emotional intensity and fatigue is beginning to fade. So have most of my scars.
People have generally stopped looking at me with great concern and asking how I am feeling, and I am feeling fine. I think this marks the end of the Recovery Journal, I might revisit it once in awhile but I think I’m in a new post-phase surgery. Recovery was more complex than I thought, it was hard work and good work, and it will not be done for a long time, if ever. But I am on to the next thing. I was happy to get out of the cardiologist’s office, I will see him next in the Spring.