I lost Red’s therapy dog ID and applied for a replacement. The liability lawyers at the therapy dog training and certification group – Therapy Dogs Of Vermont – decided that all ID’s should have a photo of the handler and the dog, I’m not sure how this will guard against legal trouble, and it didn’t sit right with me. I don’t like to have my photo taken, and I resist riding the abundance of caution tidal wave pushed by lawyers and craven politicians.
I have photo ID if needed and Red has his. It seems the entire planet is living out of an abundance of caution these days.
But there are bigger issues in the world to fight, and I am sure the lawyers had a reason. I like the therapy training group a lot – they are thorough and honest, and they also have an abundance of compassion. So I grumped and grumbled, then agreed. Maria took this photo on our morning walk. I have learned late in life that there are some fights that are just not worth having, and I kind of like the photo, I don’t really have one with me and Red. I wanted my prized walking stick in it, too, I’ve had it every since I came to the farm and it is all taped up and patched, but it is perfect for me.