Sunday was sweet. Our friend Tyler Lindenholl came over, he is in charge of the leaf-clearing at the farm, not that most of the leaves have fallen. Lenore loves Tyler, and he loves to throw sticks at her, Red herds Lenore as she runs back and forth. I love this scene, Tyler helped out with the shearing, he was into it, Tyler misses nothing, is eager to learn everything. Maria and I love having him around, he assured us that he has a snowmobile and can get to the farm throughout the winter to help out. Deal. I’ve named a character in my play after Tyler.
Speaking of the play, I finished the first draft. I showed it to Maria and she burst into tears, which I think is a good sign. I’m showing it to two farmers this week to get them to check it over, make sure I don’t look dumb. I’m excited about it.
It was a sweet Sunday, we got the Dahlia bulbs out of the ground, spread donkey manure all over the gardens, sheared the sheep. We were exhausted and happy Sunday night.