Now that I am finally free to be myself,
who am I?
Maybe I am Recovery Man.
I got up so slowly from my chair today,
oh, they say, remember that you are still
in recovery, it takes a long time.
I could not run today,
oh, they said, it is too soon to run.
I am tired today,
oh, they say, you have had such a
busy weekend, of course you are tired,
Maybe I Am Tired Man.
My pills made me Dizzy Today,
right after lunch.
Oh, they say, pills do that,
it happens all of the time.
Maybe I am Dizzy Man.
My chest ached today when I walked,
oh, they say, it has only been a few months,
of course you ache.
Maybe I am Aching Man.
A beautiful and loving woman
came into my room today,
and she smiled so brightly
when she saw me, and she showed me
a beautiful sketch she had drawn,
right after dinner,
and she told me
how handsome and wonderful I looked,
how impressive,
and I felt my heart lift up,
like the sun rising in the pasture.
Who am I today?
I am Lucky Man.