Went to Battenkill Books again this afternoon to sign about 75 – 100 book orders that came in overnight, mostly online, many by phone (518-677-2515). I love looking at the inscriptions and recognizing many of the names, studying the unfamiliar ones, they come from all over the country and some considerable parts of the world. Connie is tired but keeping up. We wonder each day where the new book tour will go, how far my blog and social media pages will take it.
Maria added some potholders to the mix of give-away goodies – free books, dog food coupons, signed notecards and postcards, photos. I never had to give anything away to sell books, not it is elemental and expected. Free stuff is a big part of the new book tours. We are offering good free stuff to people who buy books.
I have no idea how far we will go with this book tour. I am not thinking of a “big” book any longer, it is good to let go of that idea. Publishing has changed, so have I, so is my ego. I was a best-selling big shot for a good number of years, flown around the country, wined and dined, limo’d around. Those days are gone, and they should be gone, I think. They were often wasteful and inefficient.
I realize that my ego is adjusting to my new reality. I had a stellar launch day Monday, and am still groping with the fact that the traditional book tour is already over. Next scheduled appearance is December 5th at Northshire Books in Manchester, then December 6 at Northshire’s Saratoga bookstore. In between, promoting my book is up to me.
I am trying to figure out how to feel about all of this. Random House, my publisher, has been a wonderful home for me for 26 books, and that’s how I wish to leave it. We all deal with change, every single person reading this, the very essence of creativity is change, I often think. I was once a big shot, but an unhappy human, now I am a big shot no longer and happier than I have ever been.
There is still plenty of ego at work in me, it is getting beat up pretty good and humbled.
There is a lesson in life. I am eager to fight for “Saving Simon,” eager to get on with my next book “Talking To Animals,” eager to be creative and relevant in a changing world. I don’t want ego to be the thing that drives me – I expect I may not see a limo again in my lifetime, or sell a million books. The good meals I eat I will have to pay for. I want creativity and authenticity to be the thing that drives me – a creative life, a life with love, a meaningful life, a spiritual life. Every day on my new book tour I am reminded of what is true and good and important. I am close, getting closer.
In the meantime, feel free to join this parade and get my new book, available in paper and e-book form everywhere books are sold. I am learning not care so much whether or not it will be a big book, but to be happy that it is a good and worthy book. That is enough. I hope you will consider getting it from Connie Brooks at Battenkill Books, she runs a wonderful bookstore. You can call the store at 518 677-2515 or order the book online. Connie is a lovely human being and she takes Paypal and ships anywhere in the world.