My official one day book tour began Tuesday morning and ended Tuesday evening. That was all the publisher scheduled, I am on my own now. The Orphans Book Tour. The funny thing is, it was perfect, one of the best and sweetest book tours I have ever had, a combination of fans, friends, family, community, dog and donkey.
Connie Brooks has sold more than 600 copies of “Saving Simon” before publication Tuesday and has another 100 or so orders waiting on the computer to be filled.
I had two wonderful hours on two different NPR stations – Northeast Public Radio out of Albany, and Wisconsin Public Radio, broadcasting from Milwaukee, from the farm. Each of those networks reaches many good stations, Simon and his book raised about $11,000 for NPR. Both interviews were wonderful, heartfelt, comfortable.
Red came everywhere with me, and charmed the socks off of scores of readers. Maria sketched everywhere she went. People are mesmerized by Simon and by the story and history of donkeys.
And then, this wondrous talk and reading at Battenkill tonight, a full house, standing room only, great questions, I felt right on it. Before my surgery, I could hardly stand up for an hour, I was on my feet all night loving every moment and could have gone hours more. It felt so good to have my energy and focus back, and then some. Several people said they came mostly to see how I looked after the surgery, I told them the truth: I felt great.
Scott Carrino brought some great cookies, George Forss talked about his new book “The Way We Were,” and signed and sold a bunch. He is very happy with his book, I am excited for him.
I talked about Simon, the book, my open heart surgery, my writing life, compassion, the New York Carriage Horses. It felt good, I feel strong and eager to talk about my book. Maria and I laughed, it was odd to have only one appearance for a book (I am scheduled to do readings at Northshire Books in Saratoga and Manchester in early December) I love talking about so much. But it felt nothing but good all day.
Then, some wonderful reviews, from Publisher’s Weekly, USA Today, Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, and the first five-star up on Amazon (a nasty one-star as well.) A score of people on the Creative Group at Bedlam Farm shared news and reviews about the book all over Facebook in a co-ordinated effort that began at 7 p.m., an innovative and potentially significant idea for book-selling. I love good reviews and good reviews online, but the truth is that they don’t really sell many books any more. People buy what they see and like and what is highly recommended by others.
Books have a life of their own, they either catch or they don’t. A month-long book tour costs many thousands of dollars but rarely makes up for it’s cost in book sales. In the meantime, Connie is taking orders for “Saving Simon.” I will sign and personalize each one (within limits, I reserve the right to edit windy inscriptions or those that don’t sound like me.) You can call the story at 518 677-2515. order the book through her page online. She takes Paypal and ships anywhere in the world.
I could not have had a nicer day, Maria drove me around and came with me, so did Red, saw good and loving friends and fans wherever I went, sold a lot of books today. I am working on my own book tour from here. I am going to Des Moines and Iowa City next May, and I have accepted invitations from libraries to talk about my book in New Canaan, Connecticut and the Petersburg Library in New York. Dates to come. I have had a bunch of inquiries from bookstores and libraries in different cities, but I can’t afford to pay to get to some of these places, and many don’t have any money either.
My blog will be the focus of my new book tour, and I will be able to continue work on my “Talking To Animals” book, under contract with Simon & Schuster, my new publisher. Tomorrow, Maria and I need to focus on the Open House, scheduled for this weekend. I’m selling three photographs, some notecards, Maria and her fellow artists are selling some great and affordable art. I will be doing sheepherding demos with Red, and conducting Simon visitation tours. I love Simon and am proud of him. Our little town is ready for our visitors and others – this is peak foliage season and all kinds of tag sales and local events are planned for this weekend.
I feel great about my book, I loved my book tour, brief and beautiful. Life truly is what you make of it.