My life is generally full, I don’t fully understand peace and quiet yet, although I am getting there. But this week will be as full as any week I can remember. Tomorrow, “Saving Simon” is published and I’m launching a book tour in support of the book. This weekend, Maria and I are hosting an Open House on Saturday and Sunday at Bedlam Farm, we are opening our farm and some parts of our work and our lives to the world. This has become precious and important to us. We never know how many people will come, but it seems like there may be quite a few. The weather is gorgeous up here, the leaves are in full autumn riot and there are a lot of neat things happening in my town.
Today, some interviews for “Saving Simon.” I am trying to decide where I will go on the Orphans Book Tour, so named to honor Simon, an orphaned donkey and my book, an orphaned book (I am switching publishers). Simon and I are in sync, as always. In addition, I am still working on my recovery from open heart surgery, cardiac rehab today and Wednesday. My recovery has gone well, but it still very much underway, lots of things to deal with. This week, I think there are more things to deal with than I can recall.
I suppose the week will be a test of my strength and stamina in some ways, there are many things to deal with – the sale of the first Bedlam Farm, dealings with the bank, getting the farm ready for a lot of visitors, taking my walks, seeing my doctors, doing interviews, setting up a book tour. In a month or so, I hope to be freer of all of the medical issues relating to my surgery. Open heart surgery plays havoc with diabetes and I am working to get that in hand as well. I mean to keep writing on the blog and taking photos as well.
All things considered, I would rather have a full life than any other kind of life. Perhaps one day I will be ready for true peace and quiet. I think no. As I begin to grow old, I am in a curious position. I have more energy than I have had in a long time, I am more ambitious than I have been for a long time. For me, this week is about my individuality. About opening myself up to love, to friendship, to the world beyond my life. I am confident now that I can manage my health and my heart – a big change for me from even a few months ago.
This week, so many different paths in my life will cross and converge, I can hardly count them or keep them all in my head. One thing at a time, in grace, honor and compassion.
I think one of the wonderful gifts of a broken heart – healing steadily – is that it puts the rest of the world in perspective. This week is not a struggle, it is a challenge and a joy. Bring it on, I am thinking, bring it on. This will be one of the most important weeks of my life, and I will share it with you here.