Lenore was sad this morning.
Why was Lenore sad?
Because I was feeding the chickens some left over food from dinner, and I told her to sit and stay and let the chickens eat their food.
And because I was standing right in front of the chickens, Lenore had no choice but to do what I said, she couldn’t sneak around when I wasn’t looking and eat the garbage the chickens were eating, which is what she usually does when told to leave the chickens alone.
This morning, around 4 a.m., Lenore climbed over to my side of the bed, licked my chin, and then made a heaving noise or two and vomited on my chest. We went for a hike in the deep woods yesterday and Lenore ate many things she should not have eaten and that I told her not to eat.
So I was very clear that she could not have the day old food the chickens were eating.
The Love Dog would like to eat all of the food in the world, hers, mine, Maria’s, the other dog’s, the raccoons and coyotes, the chipmunks and the chickens. It isĀ her goal and passion in life. She can hardly believe it when it does not come to pass.
So Lenore was sad.