George Forss’s new book “The Way We Were” is now available for ordering. It is available online and, as of next week, will be available through Battenkill Books, my local bookstore (where it can be signed and personalized). This unseen collection of Forss’s brilliant work came about as the result of a Kickstarter Project that raised the money for George to publish it. It is a collection of brilliant photographs from pre-911 New York City. Ansel Adams wrote that George’s images are of “extraordinary vitality.” Gordon Parks said of George that “the photographs of George Forss confirm the notion that “true genius will emerge despite the greatest odds.”
George is a true genius and much more. I am honored to report that George and I will share a book signing together on October 7 at 7 p.m. at Battenkill Books, Main Street, Cambridge, New York. That is the publication date for my next book “Saving Simon” and George will be on hand at the bookstore along with me to talk about “The Way We Were” as well. There will be copies of the book on hand at the bookstore and George will sign them, and as of next week, the book can be pre-ordered at Battenkill, details to come.
“The Way We Were” went up on Amazon yesterday. George’s book, photos, technical information, the history of the pictures, is available as an e-book, hardcover or paperback. I hope you’ll consider pre-ordering it next week from Battenkill Books, my local bookstore, It would be wonderful for Connie to bundle George’s book with mine, she ships anywhere in the world and takes Paypal. You can call the store at 518 677-2515 or e-mail them at [email protected]. The hardcover edition of “The Way We Were” is selling for $22.49. I will sign and personalize every copy of “Saving Simon” purchased through Battenkill and Connie will give away signed postcards with a photo of Simon to the first 2,000 people to buy the book.
I am so proud of George and excited about his book, this extraordinary genius has taken some of the most powerful and moving photographs of New York ever taken, according to some of the most famous photographers in the world. How exciting for me to share a podium at my book reading with this remarkable artist. Gordon Parks was right, true genius will emerge despite the greatest odds.