Deb is different from the other sheep I have known, she was a twin, Jake’s sister, I thought the two of them were the most spiritual lambs I had seen, there was something ethereal and calm and still about them. Deb is older now, she has evolved. She is a fearless animals, intelligent, I think for a sheep. She is not afraid of Red, she will not be herded by him, but there is nothing defiant or aggressive about it, she is very calm around him, and he does not disturb her or challenge her.
And then there is me. She does not move away from me, or run. She is not afraid of my camera, she walks right up to it. She remains a spiritual animal, calm and apart from the others. She studies things, watches them closely, tries to comprehend them. I knelt on the ground this morning, and pointed the camera at her and she walked right up to it and seemed to understand what I wanted. I do not know if she misses Jake, but I miss him. He was smaller than her, shy and more fearful, the two were inseparable. The real world of animals is not always a pretty place, it was hard to shoot Jake, a gift to release him from his suffering. In my mind, the two of them are still together, two white lambs.