Sometimes I think I have forgotten how to live simply, in many ways one of the major goals of my life. I am packing for our vacation, which begins tomorrow and ends next week. I have a camera bag full of medications and medical supplies. I have a another bag for my camera and for my rented 14 mm wide angle lens, which arrived yesterday and will be happy along the ocean. We are staying in a funky old motel, not too much changed from the 50’s, right near the water.
We have so many plans for such a short trip – hikes, reading, lobster, long walks, seals, photos, sketches, whales, we can’t possibly do all of them, but one or two a day will be good. We are like little kids going to Disneyland, we are filled with plans, but not nearly enough days to carry all of them out. The horses spoke to me at 3 a.m., got me up and working, I am happy to connect with them before I go, I told them I am not bringing my computer with me, so no blogging, whether they talk to me or not.
They seemed okay with it. Maria is all wound up about going, we have lots more to do today – packing, laundry, bills. The donkeys are eating through the pasture gate, I just noticed it this morning, we will have to patch it up. Donkeys are rascals, they love to the things you don’t wish them to do.
We walked early this morning, I am loving the early morning mist, so soft and rich.