Today is Labor Day, but pretty much a work day around Bedlam Farm. The line between work and life is often blurred in the life of a writer or an artist, and we both work at home. So we will work today and perhaps take a walk out in the deep woods or go to Merck Forest. We are planning a short vacation, beginning this coming Saturday, heading to the ocean for four or five days. First, we are planning to go to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts to see the Jamie Wyeth exhibit and then heading to the water to sleep, sit and read, walk and take photos, sketch and love one another.
I have to say we have never needed a vacation more. My open heart surgery was on July 1, and I feel as if life is just beginning to return to normal, although there are still so many things I cannot and should not do. I am proud that I have written, blogged, photographed from the first day I got home, I haven’t skipped a day. But I think I need to skip a few days now, and that is the plan for next week.
Maria, who has cared for me so lovingly and well, is tired too. We need a breather.
I am bringing my camera but no laptop or computer. No blogging until I get back, I will post a bit on Facebook and pop a few photos up on Instagram. I do not believe blogging and vacations are compatible. We had a beautiful walk this morning, the sun was just slicing up through the mist. I want to work this morning, but I also want to step back and be grateful for my life, for my heart, for my work and Maria. The list of things to be grateful for just keeps growing – my Dahlia garden, the dogs, donkeys, my good and new friends.