Lenore is such a sweet dog that I forget sometimes that she is also a beautiful dog, well and carefully bred by a wonderful breeder – Gretchen Pinkel of Kee-Pin Labradors – who has worked hard and for years to breed healthy, sound and grounded Labrador Retrievers. Lenore is all of those things, thanks to her breeding, and also, I believe, to the Fromm Food she has been eating. She has not gained a pound in three years, even as she enters her eighth year, and her coat is shiny and beautiful.
My dog life is always changing, and I am closer to Red than I have been to any dog, except perhaps Rose. But I love Lenore in a very special and enduring way, she is, in my mind, the greatest dog one could possibly have. In many ways, the greatest and most loving dog I have known. There is nothing more stirring than seeing a well-bred and loving Lab out in a meadow, it is their habitat, their place.