Our private garden is coming together, and beautifully. Maria bought me a “Rose Of Sharon” hibiscus tree for my birthday coming up this week and it will grow up to eight feet tall. On the right, the Dahlia garden is shooting up, and in front of our chairs there is a small rose bush and a prospering Hydrangea bush. It is a beautiful private space sprouting up, Maria has done a lot of digging and weeding, I am beginning to be able to help a bit, but not as much as I would like.
The Dahlia garden is gorgeous and we are thinking of planting a Hibiscus garden along the side of the farmhouse. When the “Rose Of Sharon’ sprouts up, it will create a private space for us to sit and talk, meditate or read. I go out there every day and sit and think and heal with Red, it is a beautiful place already. We often eat our meals there.