Donkeys are the most intuitive animals I have ever known, they known when it is time to appear for a treat or for attention, they know when you will give them something and when you will not. When I come out to tend the garden or do a chore, they ignore me, when I mean to give them an apple or carrot, they are right by the gate, they simply wait for their due, they come up to me, stand and stare at me as if all of us understand the outcome, it is only a matter of time, of which they have plenty. I am not sure if they have trained me or if I have trained them – actually, I have a pretty good idea. Today I had three carrots stuck in my back pocket, and they knew it or sensed it or smelled it and were standing by the gate.
When I came inside, they simply stared at me until I turned it over. Then they went out to graze, done with me for now. I suspect they hear us talking inside the house. I know they can do that.