A new and more stylish me has emerged nine days after my open heart surgery. Maria has been trying to get me to brighten up my attire a bit, especially in warm weather and so this morning she appeared with a classy pair of white linen pants – me and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. She found them online. They fit me as if they were made for me and were sort of shockingly stylish and right and comfortable. I do not know how she does it.
I rushed outside to parade around with my posse – Red, Simon, Lulu and Fanny and Maria grabbed my camera. Simon drooled on my pants, a sign of approval. You can take the man off of the farm…but…
I love the whole thing, I had a bumpy night but am feeling strong this morning. Stylish, too, not a word I have often used in connection with myself. Maria says it has been inside of me all along, I wouldn’t want to take it too far. I felt grand, writerly, healthy. There is already less of me.
There are plenty of reminders of my surgery – my body is pockmarked with holes and scars and my chest is still very much healing. There are issues relating to sleep and other things that are difficult. Last night we went out to dinner with our friends Kim an Jack Macmillan and that felt so good. A sign I am returning to life. I didn’t get tired until the very end. We are thinking of a movie this weekend or even tonight. I’m thinking Planet Of The Apes. My daughter Em is coming next Wednesday to visit for a few day. I’m encouraging her to drop her New York City stance and love a donkey a bit, she says she just doesn’t get them. Sounds like me.
Off to the doctor this morning in my linen pants. Can pants make a man? Maybe a stylish carved walking stick is next, maybe I’m growing into me. Maria says this is the real inner me, just waiting to come out. Going to he Round House Cafe for breakfast, then to see a doctor about some wounds.