I wanted to mention that tomorrow morning, I’m heading for some medical stuff that will hopefully put an end to a month or some pain and confusion. There was – is – an infection in my jaw that has confounded some dentists, taken on a life of its own, swelled up repeatedly, puffed up my body, and been painful, but I think it has been sorted out and tomorrow morning an oral surgeon will perhaps rearrange my big mouth, I might come home without a tooth. Maria says this will give me a sort of sexy up-country look, I like the idea, it will go with my Jewish Pirate Tattoo.
I have been on antibiotics for a good long time, and been uncomfortable longer than that. I was determined, of course, to get through the Open House. Strong antibiotics have always wreaked havoc with me, and I’m not too wild about pain either. I am happy to say I do not believe it has affected my writing or photo-taking or life with my former girlfriend, she will do everything if allowed. And we are both a bit wrecked from the weekend, so this will give me at least a few hours of rest. I am pleased I was not too woozy or dopey, but then, I can’t really see myself through other people’s eyes.
I expect to have some surgery early tomorrow morning, I don’t know how much, how long, or precisely how I will be feeling. It is not a huge big deal and I will post as soon as I stop drooling or slurring my words. I expect to be home before lunch and spouting off by late morning or early afternoon unless they succeed in knocking me out and rendering me even more confused than usual. You will be hearing from me shortly.