The first Bedlam Farm Open House of 2014 ended today, I think we had more than 500 people over both days, I can’t be certain. Each day Red and I put on some herding demos, he and the sheep are tired. This afternoon, he took on the final lambing challenge, getting Ma and Deb to move with the other sheep. Deb doesn’t get herding yet, and Ma won’t leave her, so we had a good and long stand-off. Deb butted Red in the head, then Red decided to lie down and just pressure the pair into moving, which they eventually did.
Today was quieter than Saturday as Sundays are, Maria and I expect the October Open House to be a bit more intense. This was one great fun, genial, continuous stream of nice and interesting people. Maria sold a bunch of art, Simon and the donkeys have bellies full of carrots and apples, I got to meet a lot of people I have not seen before – local people, people from other phases of my life, people from the Open Group at Bedlam Farm. It is hard to be the object of so much interest and attention for two days, it is not usually the way I live but Maria and I got a lot of neat ideas for the October Open House. More later.