As was inevitable, Red got into the ram’s face, and he charged at Red, butting him hard in the head – I heard the thud loud and clear from 20 feet. It was a hard hit, but Red shook it off. He is resilient.
Our dog-broke sheep would never get to close to Red, would not challenge him, these sheep had no fear of the dog, when he got close they all tried to charge him.
Red got down low, came up suddenly and nipped the ram in the face, the ram was startled and backed up. The people at the farm were taken with Red and asked if we could come back to god-break the sheep. That could be great fun, we’ll find a time to do it. Red did beautifully, he was calm, intuitive, he was forceful without being aggressive, he grasped the task and help everyone get the sheep where they wanted them to go. I think they would have figured it out without him although the sheep were refusing to take grain and had been panicked by the wild dog.
It worked out well, is all that matters.