I am very happy to share with you the tentative cover for my upcoming E-book “Who Speaks For the Carriage Horses?: The Future Of Animals In Our World.” My agent Christopher Schelling of Selectric Artists is working with designers and editors to publish the book, which includes about 40 photographs and edited and expanded versions of my writing about the New York Carriage Horse controversy.
I began writing about this issue in January, and I haven’t really stopped. It is an important one for anyone who is concerned about the future of animals in our world. When I went to New York to see the horses for myself and go through their stables, I was profoundly moved and disturbed over the controversial, long and often disturbing campaign to ban the horses, put the carriage trade owners out of business and leave the scores of carriage drivers without work.
If the horses are driven from New York, there will be enormous consequences for people and animals, animals other than pets are being driven from our lives, our cities, our world. The animal rights movement in New York has become too arrogant, too powerful and out of touch, their campaign against the horses is dishonest and increasingly abusive to people. So I’m very proud to be publishing an e-book on this subject, a portion of any proceeds will go to a fund to help keep the horses in New York.
I spent months researching this story, and it has grown way beyond the horses, it speaks to the future of animals, the true nature of their rights and welfare, the real meaning of abuse and cruelty to animals, and the very real implications in the fate of the horses for anyone who lives with animals and loves them.
I spent seven months researching this book, calling city agencies, visiting the stables and drivers in New York. This story is very important to me, it has drawn many thousands of people to my blog and my work. I am publishing this in the hopes it will reach an even bigger audience. The horses need every one of you.
Tonight, I just wanted to share the cover with you.
The book will be available anywhere e-books are sold, it can be purchased online, at Amazon, Ibooks and Bn.com or on any smartphone, tablet or computer. There are no plans to publish this book in paper form, it is just not feasible or economical. I suspect the book will be published within a few weeks, I love this cover and think it has a lot of power and depth.