Human beings have always projected what they wish and need onto unknowing animals, it seems to be a profound need in us. Lambs have always been seen as symbols of purity and innocence and nurture, from the Bible through today. I believe this chord is struck more deeply in women than men, but I feel it also, especially in our new twins, Deb and Jake. They are white animals, believed to be sacred by the Sioux, harbingers of great change, a call to human beings to come together, stop warring and quarreling and save the earth.
I believe this is so, that is the message of the lambs for me. As with dogs and cats and horses, the animals are unwilling participants in this ancient human drama, they live to survive and reproduce, just as many humans do. They have no way of imagining what it is that we project onto them – lambs, of course, are no more guilty or innocent than spiders or cows. Animals touch in us what needs to be touched, they can help us see what we wish to see.
I believe these lambs have appeared for a purpose, they have a message for me. Animals have always talked to me, and me to them. I stood in the pasture last night looking into their faces, and they are sweet faces, unusual even for lambs, and I felt their message would be revealed, if I listen for it and am open to it.