Had a sweet Saturday afternoon in my wonderful town of Cambridge, N.Y., and I’ll record it in a few photos and posts. First, we went to the Round House Cafe where Scott Carrino brought me a wonderful lunch he has been urging me to try: A Greek Salad with tuna fish, avocados, lettuce, tomatoes and feta cheese, among other things. It was so beautiful I should have taken a photo of it, and I will the next time, but it look so good I ate it. Great in protein, fiber, low in cholesterol and quite delicious, I’m on board I’ve found my lunch.
I was also happy surprised by the music of the day (there is music at the Round House on Saturday), beautiful music from the Battenkill Spring Band, the town’s very own old-time Appalachian string band, the town is filled with happy surprises. Julie Duggan (banjo), Aaron Pacitti (guitar) and Alyson Slack (fiddle) played some great music while we ate. I don’t even remember life before the Round House.