We doubled the size of the Dahlia Garden today, we took about 50 bulbs out of the cold storage room in the basement including some of the new yellow ones we got (maybe some black Dahlia’s too), Maria did the hard work of digging out a new bed on the left, we have doubled the size of the garden. Dahlia’s are late bloomers, we expect the garden to be up around July. Maria worked hard for hours to dog out the bed, haul manure and soil, plant the bulbs.
I have realized in recent weeks that this is no longer work I can do, I can help out but I can’t dig and plant much. I felt badly about it – I am not built to watch other people work – but I decided to accept who I am where I am in my life. I am not going to struggle against reality or complain about getting older. Grace is about acceptance in many ways, and I will not speak poorly of my life. I do a lot of things around the farm, but there are some things I cannot do.
I appreciate having some wisdom to love who I am and accept who I am. That was a long time in coming, and the Dahlia garden has reminded me of it. Fortunately, Maria loves to do this physical labor, I decided to get wise and I left her do it, I brought food and drink to her, helped where and when I could. We will have a beautiful Dahlia garden, I am grateful for it.
This is where your hydrangea bush is at.
But not planted yet I guess