It is somewhat surprising to me that Deb and Jake are alive. Their mother, Ma, was almost euthanized several times, she survived toxemia, infections, labor and birth struggles, uterine infections and fever. They are small lambs, fragile things, we are supplementing their milk from their Mother.
They are here for a number of reasons – lots of decisions, some good, some not, the care of a good vet, the patience of two humans, the willingness and ability to spend some money, a tough and resilient mother, good antibiotics. Fate plays a hand.
I think they are past the danger point, they have a serenity and gentleness about them that is unusual, even for lambs. They are at ease around me, they do not mind the camera at all, quite the opposite.It’s curious how life works, how unpredictable it is. It is almost an accident that these two are alive, yet it seems very right that they are.